Outside School Hours Care

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Outside School Hours Care is co-managed by Centacare and the Parish. Enquiries should be addressed to the Coordinator in the first instance on 3343 1334 for more details.

Parents interested in having their children supervised before school hours (6.45 a.m. - 8.30 a.m.) or after school hours (3:05 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.) may contact the O.S.H.C. Co-ordinator, Mrs Melinda Dry.


Children arriving at school, before the commencement of supervision duties, are expected to enrol in O.S.H.C. Morning supervision by the school does not begin until 8.15a.m.

Children not collected by 3.30p.m. and are currently enrolled in O.S.H.C they will be escorted to O.S.H.C. Other children will be escorted to the office and parents will be called.

A Vacation Care Program is also provided.


Contact Information 2018.pdf 

OSHC Request for Booking.pdf

OSHC_Enrolment Form_2018.pdf

OSHC_Fee Schedule 2018.pdf

OSHC Extracurricular Activities_2018.pdf

Resource List 2018.pdf

OSHC_Additional Child Forms_2018.pdf

Fact sheet 3 - OSHC.pdf