The P&F Association meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the library.
All parents are encouraged to attend to be informed about school activities and share in decisions concerning the P&F. Fundraising activities conducted by the P&F provide for many resources and school improvements.
The P&F also have a class network program to support parents and the students within that class.
The P&F provide a vital role in developing effective partnerships for the benefit of the children.
P&F 5 year Project Summary 2019-2023.pdf
PF 5 year plan- 20192023.pdf
St Agnes PF Constitution.pdf
P & F Executives
The current holders of positions on the P & F Association are:
President: Wojtek Wysocki
Vice President: Bianca O'Neill
Secretary: Scott Howard
Treasurer: Mr Shane Boyce
Tuckshop Convenor: Mrs Nanna Browning
Uniform Shop Convenor: Mrs Camille Stephenson
P & F Fundraising
School fees alone are insufficient for the adequate resourcing of our school. Therefore, parents are requested to make a commitment to the school by assisting with tuckshop, working bees, uniform shop, etc. The school relies upon the efforts of the Parents and Friends Association to raise the additional funds necessary to ensure that it operates efficiently and continues to offer a high standard of education. Parents are encouraged to do what they can to help the P & F achieve its fundraising goals. Commonwealth and State Funding to Catholic Schools is equivalent to approximately 80% of the cost of educating a child in a government school. We rely on school fees, levies and fundraising to make up the difference.