St Agnes takes your child's health seriously and responsibly. The school keeps a health profile on all students enrolled at the school and has its own policies and procedures for protecting your child's health while attending school. Details are listed below:
Student Health Profile
Information regarding your child’s health, which is provided at the time of enrolment, should be kept up-to-date. It is important that we are advised of any changes in your child’s health or medical treatment. Some children will require a medical action plan for school. Please notify the school immediately if your child is diagnosed with a contagious illness.
Accidents and Illness
Should your child suffer from an accident or a sudden illness at school, office staff members will attempt to contact you by phone. If you cannot be contacted and /or if the injury is serious, an ambulance will be called.
Parents should advise the school of any changes to contact telephone numbers so that our records are up-to-date and contact can be made in an emergency.
All children have Ambulance cover.
For the well-being of your child and other children, please do not send your child to school whilst sick. Please inform the office if your child has a childhood disease. If a child has vomited or had diarrhoea, then the child must be excluded from school for at least 24 hours after the last time the incident has occurred.
Medication at School
The school will not administer medication to children without:
1. Written instructions specifying:
the name of the medication
the dosage
the times the medication should be administered
the method of administration of the medication, as prescribed by a doctor or other legally qualified medical practitioner.
2. A signed - Form A - Request to Administer Medication.pdf & Form B - Medication Administration Instructions.pdf
Reducing the Spread of Infections
Infections with or without illness, are common in children. When children attend school they are exposed to a large number of children, increasing the opportunity for the spread of infectious diseases. It is not possible to prevent the spread of all infections and illnesses within schools, however a lot of illnesses from infectious disease can be prevented.
Please refer to the
Time Out Exclusion Periods for Infectious Conditions produced by the Australian Government's National Health & Medical Research Council.