Volunteers, be they parents or friends of St Agnes, are very welcome and a critical part of daily school life. Through involvement in classroom help, craft, tuckshop, uniform shop, P&F, School Board, working bees, or many other volunteer roles, your assistance enhances the quality of teaching and learning that we provide.
Due to a legislative requirement, it is now mandatory that all volunteers (including parents of St Agnes students) undergo student protection training.
Brisbane Catholic Education has developed a training package to help facilitate this process.
©Brisbane Catholic Education, St Agnes School (2019)
Please see the BCE Policy page for more information.
All volunteers and other personal must complete and sign the St Agnes Volunteer and other Personal Registration Form once training is completed.
All volunteers must sign in and out of the front office when working in the school. A sign in/out ipad is located in the front foyer of the Office, along with volunteer labels. Please remember to sign in via the Office before moving to other areas of the school.
Non-Parent Volunteers (this includes grandparents of school students)
In addition to the above, all non-parent volunteers at our school must also undergo employment screening and receive a Positive Notice Blue Card for Volunteers. This positive notice is now an essential requirement, under the Queensland Legislation, before volunteering can occur for you within our school.
In conclusion please remember to return to the School Office at your earliest convenience, a copy of the completed Volunteer and other Personnel Registration Form, a copy of your Positive Notice and a photocopy of your Blue Card (if you are a non-parent volunteer)