As part of our vision for learning, we are committed to keeping parents informed of their child's development. St Agnes has a number of processes and procedures in place to help inform parents and to keep communication open and fruitful. In reporting to parents we are required to adhere to Federal and State Government as well as Catholic Education authority requirements. The following are the many ways through which we continue to inform parents.
Parent-Teacher Meetings
- Parent Information Evenings are held in Term 1 and are an opportunity to meet your child's teacher, gain an overview of the curriculum for the year, expectations and organisational matters for particular classes.
- Parent Teaching Conferences are held in Terms 1 and 3 and may involve the child, parents and teachers. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss in detail a child's progress and most importantly, set future goals for the year. These conferences are the most valuable reporting process for the year.
- Further interviews may be requested and arranged at a time convenient to both parties during the year either by parents or teachers.
Wrap-a-round Meetings: Should a student requires more support with the general class curriculum, planning meetings are organised by the Learning Support Teacher- Inclusive Education. Such meetings usually involve parents, teachers, Learning Support teacher and at times Guidance, Special Education consultants and/or other professionals.
- Ongoing communication is conducted through emails and daily communication books. Individual teach
ers utilise various means to communicate regularly with parents. This may be through diaries, emails, class newsletters, individ - ual communication books or electronically via email.
Written Reports
During the school year written reports are issued. ©Brisbane Catholic Education, St Agnes School (2022)
- Semester Reports: These are issued at the end of each Semester, June and December. Schools are required to report on a child's achievement against Australian Curriculum standards using a 5 point grading system (Years Prep-6) as required by Commonwealth Government.
- Wrap-a-round Reports: For children requiring an individual learning/behaviour plan. These are developed in consultation with parents.
- Conference Sheets: These are a written record of parent conferences with future goals recorded. These will be given to you at your parent/teacher conference.
- Specialist Reports: At times, other professionals, e.g. Paediatricians, may require reports on particular children. These are developed in consultation with parents.